

Telephone Interview Strategies

Telephone Interview Strategies

by Interperm Resources, LLC.     Category: Article

Posted on February 03, 2020 at 04:39:36 PM

Telephone Interview Strategies

Initial HR screenings are often phone interviews and a make-or-break conversation.  Telephone interviews are more difficult because you don’t have the benefit of eye contact and chemistry to help you connect with the interviewer. 

Here are some thoughts that you may find helpful.

  • Sit at a desk or a table with your resume and the job description in front of you for reference. Sitting up straight at a desk, as if you were at work, puts you into a business mindset that will help you succeed.
  • Use your elevator speech to introduce yourself; short, sweet and to the point.
  • When the call is complete, reiterate your qualifications and interest in the position and ask for the in-person interview

Please keep in mind the person conducting the phone interview is like a gatekeeper and your goal is to get passed on to the in-person process.

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